The USB ID Repository

The home of the usb.ids file

Main -> USB Devices -> Device UD:0300


Name: MM300 eBook Reader


2010-12-06 13:00:45

Deletion request

I think that this entry is wrong, it looks like a device ID rather than a vendor ID. The manufacturer is apparently the dutch company Speex, they use the generic IDs of the chips' vendors' on many other devices, I didn't find one of their own. So most likely the true ID is one of a mass storage chip producer with device ID 0300.


2017-07-22 22:53:57

Name: Ajazz

Hello, I have found a device that really uses this Vendor ID. It's Ajazz and it is a keyboard manufacturer. I believe the older vendor Id should be removed. When this vendor Id is clear I can submit the devices I found ( I know two of them).

These two are:
1) Ajazz Akp153E Desktop Controller with id 0300:1010
2) Ajazz AKP153R Desktop Controller with id 0300:1020


2024-10-12 01:39:31



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