Name: Siemens AG
The question mark can be omitted: this is the vendor id for the former Siemens Mobile branch of Siemens AG that was sold to BenQ Corp. in 2006 and will most probably not be used by any other vendor again at all. BenQ-Siemens products and the latest BenQ mobile products use other VIDs (04a5 of "Acer Peripherals, now BenQ Corp.").
I suggest to name this Device UD:11f5 "Siemens AG".
Thanks in advance!
2010-09-27 12:10:39
Name: Siemens Mobile
To be in line with other Siemens branch vendor names listed here, I suggest withdrawing my discussion topic dating from (2010-09-27 14:10:39) and name the Device UD:11f5 "Siemens Mobile".
Thanks in advance!
2010-09-27 12:31:46
Name: Siemens AG
It seems as if the vendor id is still being used by Siemens AG itself for other USB devices related to telecommunications, like UMTS cards and the like, despite the company not producing mobile phones (and wireless headsets) anymore.
Thus, "Siemens AG" would be the most suitable vendor name to be displayed.
2010-09-28 12:41:52