The USB ID Repository

The home of the usb.ids file

Main -> USB Devices -> Device UD:13b1 -> Subsystem UD:13b1:0045


Name: WUSB3600 v2 Dual-Band WiFi USB Adapter [RTL8822BU]

This is for Linksys WUSB3600 v2 USB adapter (AC1200) [RTL8822BU]
Chipset was determined from Windows8 driver inf file.

Linux driver was tested against kernel 5.10.0 in Parrot OS as well as 5.4.0 in Linux Mint 20.1

Device connects and functions properly in normal operation with the following driver:

Monitor mode usable if switched via iwconfig, but if airmon-ng is used shell will stop responding and system hang on reboot.

Output from lsusb (before driver installation:
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 13b1:0045 Linksys WUSB6300 V2

Output from inxi -N (before driver installation):
Linksys WUSB6300 V2 type: USB driver: usb-network


2021-05-05 00:04:59

Name: addendum for building driver

Note: I forgot to add this in my original description

the following must be added to current driver repository source for it to recognize:
in the os_dep/linux/usb_intf.c

look for section around line 235:

#ifdef CONFIG_RTL8822B

and add the following line to the end of that section:

{USB_DEVICE_AND_INTERFACE_INFO(0x13b1, 0x0045, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff), .driver_info = RTL8822B}, /* Linksys WUSB3600 v2 */


2021-05-05 00:12:56

Name: WUSB6300 v2 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wireless Adapter [Realtek RTL8822BU]

WUSB3600 is a typo, WUSB6300 being more likely accurate, according to: (1) mascencerro own commentaries and (2)


2021-09-10 11:59:42



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