Name: INIC-1618L SATA
2012-09-19 21:02:25
The home of the usb.ids
Main -> USB Devices -> Device UD:13fd -> Subsystem UD:13fd:0840
Name: INIC-1618L SATA
Name: ipTIME HDD1025 external 2.5" SATA hard drive
2012-03-03 09:39:11
This seems to be a pretty generic ID. My plexgear 'Hard drive enclosure 2,5" SATA to USB' uses it as well.
Inside the enclosure there is a small PCB with an Initio INIC-1618L chip on it. The PCB is labled "FREEGENE" and "FA-03-1608REV1.0", which might hint that there are versions using the INIC-1608 as well.
2012-06-07 19:05:36
Name: INIC-1618L SATA
2012-09-19 21:02:25
Id | Name | Note |