Name: Aluminium Keyboard (ISO)
The current name of MP110Z/B is probably wrong, as searching for it only returns results from (or indirectly from) usd-ids.
I suggest:
Aluminium Keyboard (ISO)
My keyboard is the British English layout with part number MB110B/B.
lsusb -v gives it a bCountryCode of 13 International (ISO)
From the Apple website, the following are the current list of part numbers from the British site:
MB110LB/B - US English
MB110B/B - British English
MB110D/B - German
MB110Z/B - International English
MB110FN/B - Belgian
MB110DK/B - Danish
MB110Y/B - Spanish
MB110F/B - French
MB110T/B - Italian
MB110N/B - Dutch
MB110SM/B - Swiss
MB110S/B - Swedish
MB110H/B - Norwegian
MB110PO/B - Portugese
MB110RS/B - Russian
It is likely that most of them will identify as 05ac:0250, the obvious exception being the US English as it has one less key.
2012-07-15 20:59:23